Thursday, March 02, 2006

Macedonians in Queens and Manhattan

Macedonians began arriving with other groups from the former Yugoslavia in the early years of the twentieth century but they were never a strong presence in New York City. Today there are about 100,000 Macedonians in the country, with the largest concentration in Detroit.

The New York City area is home to only about 1500 with another 1500 in New Jersey but the group has made great strides in recent years and is becoming more and more vibrant.

In 2002, the Macedonian community opened its first local church, the Macedonian Orthodox Church of Saint Clement of Ohrid (20-05 124th Street, Flushing, Queens). There are several parishes in New Jersey, but local Macedonians wanted their own. It took nearly ten years to raise the money, but it paid off when the church was finally finished.

There is also a Macedonia Community Youth Center (37-22 Union Street) in Flushing. The
Macedonian Cultural Center (549 West 52nd Street, 8th Floor) in Manhattan, home to Gallery MC, opened in 2004. Macedonians are also active with Raccoon.

Macedonian Community To Open Church In Queens


brobobroto said...

does this group still exists?


Anonymous said...

hopefully not. revolting that this slime is promulgating.

Anonymous said...

Hello, I'm a first generation Macedonian American from both parents but do not speak the language. Would like to start conversations with other Macedonians.
In the interim, I'd be happy to show Anonymous (above) the exit.

Anonymous said...

Per my prior message, I'm known as greatalex

Anonymous said...

Greetings, Like you, I am also first generation American of Macedonian descent from both parents - and I, too, do not speak the language. Nonetheless, I helped to create the international program that has developed into Birthright Macedonia. It's purpose is to give young Macedonian adults throughout our Diaspora an opportunity to reconnect with their heritage or connect with it for the first time. The program is open to all young Macedonian adults in our Diaspora over the age of 18 years. It brings young Macedonians to the homeland for three weeks to work at an internship program that complements their academic and career goals. They live with a host family and connect with other Macedonians from other parts of the world. Since its inaugural session in 2015, the Birthright program has attracted young Macedonian adults from seven countries on three continents (Australia, Bosnia, Canada, Great Britain, New Zealand, Switzerland, United States). Participants from Argentina, Brazil and Sweden are expected in the foreseeable future. I live in upstate New York. Please write when you can.
Thanks much,
Penko Deliev

Anonymous said...

In my prior message, I forgot to mention I can be reached via email at:

Anonymous said...

To further clarify, Penko Deliev and are one and the same person.